Monday 24 October 2011

Lust, love and the bit inbetween

Rob and I have been seeing each other for just over 6 weeks. It's still going well and we're making plans for the months ahead. We see each other when we can, and when we are together it's great. Both of us have busy lives, particularly when it comes to work- both of us have several work trips ahead. He's just been away for 5 days abroad and I barely survived - the insecurities kicked in and my mind started to wonder. I couldn't have asked more of him, he texted, he called, he said the right things. But without seeing that person, how do you still know that the chemistry is there?

The absence of him got me thinking about our relationship. We've definitely done the lust bit - where its all passion and romance and hot sex. We are not in love (yet) - we haven't spent enough time together and he doesn't know my faults and I am yet to find his. When I tell him I love him I want to really really mean it. I can certainly picture myself with him 6 months down the line, but its just too soon to work out if "he's the one".

I'm not saying the lust has gone, but its certainly died down - not in a bad way - but its inevitable once you've been seeing someone a while. You have to keep things fresh and start making more of an effort to keep them excited about you. I don't want things to fizzle out with Rob, and the time we have together is precious at the moment, so I'm keen to find new ways of keeping him keen too - and so lies a new challenge ahead.

To end, I found this little gem on "what is love". I'd never looked at it in this way, but I think it sums up the difference between love and lust quite nicely. Enjoy.

"Love is all about the little things. When you are really, truly, in love, you don't feel the need to dress up for them. The most important thing is being with them. Butterflies are not usually present in love. You should not feel nervous when you really love someone. Love means you connect with them spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. And love means differences, disagreements, and arguing (but not fighting) because who wants to be with someone who is the same as they are? You feel refreshed when you are with them, but not necessarily weak when you are away from them. If you think about them all the time, always, it is probably lust or infatuation, not love".

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